Financing Projects

VICOBA (Village Community Bank) iis a tailor-made microfinance program. It is used to provide loans to women with very low incomes. In our case, some women who need capital to start their own business are taking part. There are currently five groups of 10 to 15 women who meet once a week to pool their savings and create a community bank.
About the process: Members can take out loans to finance micro-enterprises and self-employment initiatives. VICOBA is a community-based system that provides mutual support and encouragement to empower community members to work together towards sustainable development.
When a woman wants to take out a loan, she submits a business proposal that all members must agree to. The loan is then repaid within 3 months with a low interest rate of 5%.

Corporate Governance

Many women do not know how to manage money properly and how to run a business successfully. Some women don't even know how to do basic math. We want to make sure that our women know how to set an appropriate price for their product, how to keep track of their business and how to keep efficient accounts.
Sustainable women's company
In our community we often see women who had a business that supported their lives. But suddenly they could no longer continue due to lack of capital. The lack of capital is usually due to HIV stigma or other unfortunate events and puts them in financial distress. With SWB (Sustainable women business) we provide these women with start-up capital and actively support their projects until they achieve financial independence. Here, the amount used to open a business for a woman is based on the cost of business but does not exceed $100.

definitely won't take long...