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PROJECTS at Wehaf in Arusha - Tanzania

Help on the way to independence

There are currently 262 women registered with the foundation, 60 of whom have HIV/AIDS. The following projects help women on their path to self-employment if they do not have sufficient resources due to their HIV/AIDS infection or other unfortunate events. WEHAF not only helps women, but also their children. We try to encourage every woman to create her own source of income if she is healthy enough to do so.

Overview of our current projects at WEHAF​​​​​​

Training Center

Funds needed for equipment and materials

Spice cookies

Business Ideas

In order to increase the chances of reintegration into daily life, various small business models have been developed.

For this will

Manufacturing material required.

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Child Care

For child care, funds are used for rent, salaries,  and the equipment needed.

Other Projects

food packages,

Material to mitigate period poverty


HIV/AIDS Education and Advice

Condom and pregnancy products

Contraception is needed.

Holding a newborn

Financing Projects

Microloans as start-up capital to build a company.

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